Events / Rides at Biker's Edge
Bikers Edge Climbing Wednesdays Road Ride
Bikers Edge , along with Chris and Jimena, are bringing this weekly event back! Get ahead of the game and come build your climbing with us! We might laugh once or twice!
When: This year we are starting early-bird style.
Wednesdays @8 AM
Where: 74 Main Street, Collinsville, CT 06019
The ride: We will build up number of climbing repeats each week, but really, you can leave whenever you want!
We will aim to ride in a group, but if you want to ride slower, we can regroup on the next descend!
We will work on buiding endurance, climbing technique (easy gear / hard gear, sit/stand) and how to measure progress.
Everyone participating on this ride is required to sign a waiver. Please follow this link to complete this step ---> HERE
See you on Wednesday!
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